See and Explore

Places to Explore near Moonlake Camps

The area surrounding Chandertal Lake, nestled in the Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh, is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Here are some must-visit places and activities to enrich your stay at Moonlake Camps:

Chandertaal Lake

Known as the “Moon Lake,” Chandertal is renowned for its crescent shape and pristine, turquoise waters. At an altitude of 4,300 meters, this high-altitude lake offers breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks and is perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and photography.

Kunzum Pass

At 4,590 meters above sea level, Kunzum Pass serves as the gateway to Spiti Valley from Lahaul. This pass offers spectacular panoramic views of the Bara-Shigri Glacier and the majestic peaks of the Chandrabhaga Range.

It is also home to a small temple dedicated to Goddess Kunzum Devi, where travelers seek blessings before embarking on their journey.

Key Monastery

One of the most iconic and largest monasteries in Spiti, Key Monastery, or Kye Gompa, is perched atop a hill at an altitude of 4,166 meters. This 1,000-year-old monastery is a spiritual center for Buddhist learning and houses ancient murals, manuscripts, and a large collection of Buddhist scriptures.

Kibber Village

Located at 4,270 meters, Kibber is one of the highest inhabited villages in the world. This quaint village offers a glimpse into traditional Spiti life with its stone houses and terraced fields. Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary nearby is home to rare species like the snow leopard, Tibetan wolf, and Himalayan ibex.

Dhankar Monastery

Perched precariously on a cliff, Dhankar Monastery offers stunning views of the confluence of the Spiti and Pin Rivers. A short trek from the monastery leads to Dhankar Lake, a tranquil spot with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Pin Valley National Park

A paradise for nature lovers and trekkers, Pin Valley National Park is known for its diverse flora and fauna, including the endangered snow leopard. The park offers numerous trekking routes that traverse through scenic landscapes of snow-capped mountains, rivers, and glaciers.

Komic Village

Claimed to be one of the highest villages in the world with a road, Komik is famous for the Tangyud Monastery, which is believed to date back to the 14th century. The village offers stunning vistas and a serene environment, making it a perfect spot for meditation and introspection.

Langtza Village

Famous for its ancient marine fossils, Langza is another high-altitude village in Spiti. Dominated by the towering Buddha statue overlooking the valley, Langza offers stunning views of the Chau Chau Kang Nilda peak. The village is also known for its rich fossil reserves, a remnant of the Tethys Sea that existed here millions of years ago.

Hikkim Village

Home to the highest post office in the world, Hikkim sits at an altitude of 4,400 meters. Sending a postcard from here is a unique experience, and the village itself offers a glimpse into the remote, high-altitude lifestyle of Spiti.

Explore the Unseen with us

The Spiti Valley around Chandertal Lake is not just about destinations but the journey itself. Every trail, every village, and every interaction offers a new story and a deeper connection with nature. At Moonlake Camps, we provide guided tours and treks to these incredible places, ensuring you make the most of your adventure in this enchanting region. Come, explore the unexplored, and let the Spiti Valley leave an indelible mark on your soul.